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Big Red AI - AI Papers by Cornell Researchers

🤖 WildHallucinations: Evaluating Long-form Factuality in LLMs with Real-World Entity Queries
While hallucinations of large language models (LLMs) prevail as a major challenge, existing evaluation benchmarks on factuality do not cover the diverse domains of knowledge that the real-world users of LLMs seek information about. To bridge this gap, we introduce WildHallucinations, a benchmark that evaluates factuality. It does so by prompting LLMs to generate information about entities mined from user-chatbot conversations in the wild. These generations are then automatically fact-checked against a systematically curated knowledge source collected from web search. Notably, half of these real-world entities do not have associated Wikipedia pages. We evaluate 118,785 generations from 15 LLMs on 7,919 entities. We find that LLMs consistently hallucinate more on entities without Wikipedia pages and exhibit varying hallucination rates across different domains. Finally, given the same base models, adding a retrieval component only slightly reduces hallucinations but does not eliminate hallucinations.

🤖 I Could've Asked That: Reformulating Unanswerable Questions
When seeking information from unfamiliar documents, users frequently pose questions that cannot be answered by the documents. While existing large language models (LLMs) identify these unanswerable questions, they do not assist users in reformulating their questions, thereby reducing their overall utility. We curate CouldAsk, an evaluation benchmark composed of existing and new datasets for document-grounded question answering, specifically designed to study reformulating unanswerable questions. We evaluate state-of-the-art open-source and proprietary LLMs on CouldAsk. The results demonstrate the limited capabilities of these models in reformulating questions. Specifically, GPT-4 and Llama2-7B successfully reformulate questions only 26% and 12% of the time, respectively. Error analysis shows that 62% of the unsuccessful reformulations stem from the models merely rephrasing the questions or even generating identical questions. We publicly release the benchmark and the code to reproduce the experiments.

🤖 Correcting the Mythos of KL-Regularization: Direct Alignment without Overoptimization via Chi-Squared Preference Optimization
Language model alignment methods, such as reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF), have led to impressive advances in language model capabilities, but existing techniques are limited by a widely observed phenomenon known as overoptimization, where the quality of the language model plateaus or degrades over the course of the alignment process. Overoptimization is often attributed to overfitting to an inaccurate reward model, and while it can be mitigated through online data collection, this is infeasible in many settings. This raises a fundamental question: Do existing offline alignment algorithms make the most of the data they have, or can their sample-efficiency be improved further? We address this question with a new algorithm for offline alignment, $\chi^2$-Preference Optimization ($\chi$PO). $\chi$PO is a one-line change to Direct Preference Optimization (DPO; Rafailov et al., 2023), which only involves modifying the logarithmic link function in the DPO objective. Despite this minimal change, $\chi$PO implicitly implements the principle of pessimism in the face of uncertainty via regularization with the $\chi^2$-divergence -- which quantifies uncertainty more effectively than KL-regularization -- and provably alleviates overoptimization, achieving sample-complexity guarantees based on single-policy concentrability -- the gold standard in offline reinforcement learning. $\chi$PO's simplicity and strong guarantees make it the first practical and general-purpose offline alignment algorithm that is provably robust to overoptimization.

🤖 Soft Prompts Go Hard: Steering Visual Language Models with Hidden Meta-Instructions
We introduce a new type of indirect injection vulnerabilities in language models that operate on images: hidden "meta-instructions" that influence how the model interprets the image and steer the model's outputs to express an adversary-chosen style, sentiment, or point of view. We explain how to create meta-instructions by generating images that act as soft prompts. Unlike jailbreaking attacks and adversarial examples, the outputs resulting from these images are plausible and based on the visual content of the image, yet follow the adversary's (meta-)instructions. We describe the risks of these attacks, including misinformation and spin, evaluate their efficacy for multiple visual language models and adversarial meta-objectives, and demonstrate how they can "unlock" the capabilities of the underlying language models that are unavailable via explicit text instructions. Finally, we discuss defenses against these attacks.

🤖 FLAIR: Feeding via Long-horizon AcquIsition of Realistic dishes
Robot-assisted feeding has the potential to improve the quality of life for individuals with mobility limitations who are unable to feed themselves independently. However, there exists a large gap between the homogeneous, curated plates existing feeding systems can handle, and truly in-the-wild meals. Feeding realistic plates is immensely challenging due to the sheer range of food items that a robot may encounter, each requiring specialized manipulation strategies which must be sequenced over a long horizon to feed an entire meal. An assistive feeding system should not only be able to sequence different strategies efficiently in order to feed an entire meal, but also be mindful of user preferences given the personalized nature of the task. We address this with FLAIR, a system for long-horizon feeding which leverages the commonsense and few-shot reasoning capabilities of foundation models, along with a library of parameterized skills, to plan and execute user-preferred and efficient bite sequences. In real-world evaluations across 6 realistic plates, we find that FLAIR can effectively tap into a varied library of skills for efficient food pickup, while adhering to the diverse preferences of 42 participants without mobility limitations as evaluated in a user study. We demonstrate the seamless integration of FLAIR with existing bite transfer methods [19, 28], and deploy it across 2 institutions and 3 robots, illustrating its adaptability. Finally, we illustrate the real-world efficacy of our system by successfully feeding a care recipient with severe mobility limitations. Supplementary materials and videos can be found at: https://emprise.cs.cornell.edu/flair .

🤖 The Human Factor in AI Red Teaming: Perspectives from Social and Collaborative Computing
Rapid progress in general-purpose AI has sparked significant interest in "red teaming," a practice of adversarial testing originating in military and cybersecurity applications. AI red teaming raises many questions about the human factor, such as how red teamers are selected, biases and blindspots in how tests are conducted, and harmful content's psychological effects on red teamers. A growing body of HCI and CSCW literature examines related practices-including data labeling, content moderation, and algorithmic auditing. However, few, if any, have investigated red teaming itself. This workshop seeks to consider the conceptual and empirical challenges associated with this practice, often rendered opaque by non-disclosure agreements. Future studies may explore topics ranging from fairness to mental health and other areas of potential harm. We aim to facilitate a community of researchers and practitioners who can begin to meet these challenges with creativity, innovation, and thoughtful reflection.

🤖 MemWarp: Discontinuity-Preserving Cardiac Registration with Memorized Anatomical Filters
Many existing learning-based deformable image registration methods impose constraints on deformation fields to ensure they are globally smooth and continuous. However, this assumption does not hold in cardiac image registration, where different anatomical regions exhibit asymmetric motions during respiration and movements due to sliding organs within the chest. Consequently, such global constraints fail to accommodate local discontinuities across organ boundaries, potentially resulting in erroneous and unrealistic displacement fields. In this paper, we address this issue with MemWarp, a learning framework that leverages a memory network to store prototypical information tailored to different anatomical regions. MemWarp is different from earlier approaches in two main aspects: firstly, by decoupling feature extraction from similarity matching in moving and fixed images, it facilitates more effective utilization of feature maps; secondly, despite its capability to preserve discontinuities, it eliminates the need for segmentation masks during model inference. In experiments on a publicly available cardiac dataset, our method achieves considerable improvements in registration accuracy and producing realistic deformations, outperforming state-of-the-art methods with a remarkable 7.1\% Dice score improvement over the runner-up semi-supervised method. Source code will be available at https://github.com/tinymilky/Mem-Warp.

🤖 On Speeding Up Language Model Evaluation
Large language models (LLMs) currently dominate the field of natural language processing (NLP), representing the state-of-the-art across a diverse array of tasks. Developing a model of this nature, from training to inference, requires making numerous decisions which define a combinatorial search problem. For example, selecting the optimal pre-trained LLM, prompt, or hyperparameters to attain the best performance for a task often requires evaluating multiple candidates on an entire test set. This exhaustive evaluation can be time-consuming and costly, as both inference and metric computation with LLMs are resource-intensive. In this paper, we address the challenge of identifying the best method within a limited budget for evaluating methods on test examples. By leveraging the well-studied multi-armed bandit framework, which sequentially selects the next method-example pair to evaluate, our approach, combining multi-armed bandit algorithms with low-rank factorization, significantly reduces the required resources. Experiments show that our algorithms can identify the top-performing method using only 5-15\% of the typically needed resources, resulting in an 85-95\% reduction in cost.

🤖 AI-driven multi-omics integration for multi-scale predictive modeling of causal genotype-environment-phenotype relationships
Despite the wealth of single-cell multi-omics data, it remains challenging to predict the consequences of novel genetic and chemical perturbations in the human body. It requires knowledge of molecular interactions at all biological levels, encompassing disease models and humans. Current machine learning methods primarily establish statistical correlations between genotypes and phenotypes but struggle to identify physiologically significant causal factors, limiting their predictive power. Key challenges in predictive modeling include scarcity of labeled data, generalization across different domains, and disentangling causation from correlation. In light of recent advances in multi-omics data integration, we propose a new artificial intelligence (AI)-powered biology-inspired multi-scale modeling framework to tackle these issues. This framework will integrate multi-omics data across biological levels, organism hierarchies, and species to predict causal genotype-environment-phenotype relationships under various conditions. AI models inspired by biology may identify novel molecular targets, biomarkers, pharmaceutical agents, and personalized medicines for presently unmet medical needs.

🤖 Can Machines Learn the True Probabilities?
When there exists uncertainty, AI machines are designed to make decisions so as to reach the best expected outcomes. Expectations are based on true facts about the objective environment the machines interact with, and those facts can be encoded into AI models in the form of true objective probability functions. Accordingly, AI models involve probabilistic machine learning in which the probabilities should be objectively interpreted. We prove under some basic assumptions when machines can learn the true objective probabilities, if any, and when machines cannot learn them.

🤖 Orchestrating LLMs with Different Personalizations
This paper presents a novel approach to aligning large language models (LLMs) with individual human preferences, sometimes referred to as Reinforcement Learning from \textit{Personalized} Human Feedback (RLPHF). Given stated preferences along multiple dimensions, such as helpfulness, conciseness, or humor, the goal is to create an LLM without re-training that best adheres to this specification. Starting from specialized expert LLMs, each trained for one such particular preference dimension, we propose a black-box method that merges their outputs on a per-token level. We train a lightweight Preference Control Model (PCM) that dynamically translates the preference description and current context into next-token prediction weights. By combining the expert models' outputs at the token level, our approach dynamically generates text that optimizes the given preference. Empirical tests show that our method matches or surpasses existing preference merging techniques, providing a scalable, efficient alternative to fine-tuning LLMs for individual personalization.

🤖 ProgressGym: Alignment with a Millennium of Moral Progress
Frontier AI systems, including large language models (LLMs), hold increasing influence over the epistemology of human users. Such influence can reinforce prevailing societal values, potentially contributing to the lock-in of misguided moral beliefs and, consequently, the perpetuation of problematic moral practices on a broad scale. We introduce progress alignment as a technical solution to mitigate this imminent risk. Progress alignment algorithms learn to emulate the mechanics of human moral progress, thereby addressing the susceptibility of existing alignment methods to contemporary moral blindspots. To empower research in progress alignment, we introduce ProgressGym, an experimental framework allowing the learning of moral progress mechanics from history, in order to facilitate future progress in real-world moral decisions. Leveraging 9 centuries of historical text and 18 historical LLMs, ProgressGym enables codification of real-world progress alignment challenges into concrete benchmarks. Specifically, we introduce three core challenges: tracking evolving values (PG-Follow), preemptively anticipating moral progress (PG-Predict), and regulating the feedback loop between human and AI value shifts (PG-Coevolve). Alignment methods without a temporal dimension are inapplicable to these tasks. In response, we present lifelong and extrapolative algorithms as baseline methods of progress alignment, and build an open leaderboard soliciting novel algorithms and challenges. The framework and the leaderboard are available at https://github.com/PKU-Alignment/ProgressGym and https://huggingface.co/spaces/PKU-Alignment/ProgressGym-LeaderBoard respectively.

🤖 ShadowLLM: Predictor-based Contextual Sparsity for Large Language Models
The high power consumption and latency-sensitive deployments of large language models (LLMs) have motivated techniques like quantization and sparsity. Contextual sparsity, where the sparsity pattern is input-dependent, is crucial in LLMs because the permanent removal of attention heads or neurons from LLMs can significantly degrade accuracy. Prior work has attempted to model contextual sparsity using neural networks trained to predict activation magnitudes, which can be used to dynamically prune structures with low predicted activation magnitude. In this paper, we look beyond magnitude-based pruning criteria to assess attention head and neuron importance in LLMs. We developed a novel predictor called ShadowLLM, which can shadow the LLM behavior and enforce better sparsity patterns, resulting in over 15% improvement in end-to-end accuracy without increasing latency compared to previous methods. ShadowLLM achieves up to a 20\% speed-up over the state-of-the-art DejaVu framework. These enhancements are validated on models with up to 30 billion parameters. Our code is available at \href{https://github.com/abdelfattah-lab/shadow_llm/}{ShadowLLM}.

🤖 $\text{Alpha}^2$: Discovering Logical Formulaic Alphas using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Alphas are pivotal in providing signals for quantitative trading. The industry highly values the discovery of formulaic alphas for their interpretability and ease of analysis, compared with the expressive yet overfitting-prone black-box alphas. In this work, we focus on discovering formulaic alphas. Prior studies on automatically generating a collection of formulaic alphas were mostly based on genetic programming (GP), which is known to suffer from the problems of being sensitive to the initial population, converting to local optima, and slow computation speed. Recent efforts employing deep reinforcement learning (DRL) for alpha discovery have not fully addressed key practical considerations such as alpha correlations and validity, which are crucial for their effectiveness. In this work, we propose a novel framework for alpha discovery using DRL by formulating the alpha discovery process as program construction. Our agent, $\text{Alpha}^2$, assembles an alpha program optimized for an evaluation metric. A search algorithm guided by DRL navigates through the search space based on value estimates for potential alpha outcomes. The evaluation metric encourages both the performance and the diversity of alphas for a better final trading strategy. Our formulation of searching alphas also brings the advantage of pre-calculation dimensional analysis, ensuring the logical soundness of alphas, and pruning the vast search space to a large extent. Empirical experiments on real-world stock markets demonstrates $\text{Alpha}^2$'s capability to identify a diverse set of logical and effective alphas, which significantly improves the performance of the final trading strategy. The code of our method is available at https://github.com/x35f/alpha2.

🤖 Efficient Evolutionary Search Over Chemical Space with Large Language Models
Molecular discovery, when formulated as an optimization problem, presents significant computational challenges because optimization objectives can be non-differentiable. Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs), often used to optimize black-box objectives in molecular discovery, traverse chemical space by performing random mutations and crossovers, leading to a large number of expensive objective evaluations. In this work, we ameliorate this shortcoming by incorporating chemistry-aware Large Language Models (LLMs) into EAs. Namely, we redesign crossover and mutation operations in EAs using LLMs trained on large corpora of chemical information. We perform extensive empirical studies on both commercial and open-source models on multiple tasks involving property optimization, molecular rediscovery, and structure-based drug design, demonstrating that the joint usage of LLMs with EAs yields superior performance over all baseline models across single- and multi-objective settings. We demonstrate that our algorithm improves both the quality of the final solution and convergence speed, thereby reducing the number of required objective evaluations. Our code is available at http://github.com/zoom-wang112358/MOLLEO

🤖 Injecting Bias in Text-To-Image Models via Composite-Trigger Backdoors
Recent advances in large text-conditional image generative models such as Stable Diffusion, Midjourney, and DALL-E 3 have revolutionized the field of image generation, allowing users to produce high-quality, realistic images from textual prompts. While these developments have enhanced artistic creation and visual communication, they also present an underexplored attack opportunity: the possibility of inducing biases by an adversary into the generated images for malicious intentions, e.g., to influence society and spread propaganda. In this paper, we demonstrate the possibility of such a bias injection threat by an adversary who backdoors such models with a small number of malicious data samples; the implemented backdoor is activated when special triggers exist in the input prompt of the backdoored models. On the other hand, the model's utility is preserved in the absence of the triggers, making the attack highly undetectable. We present a novel framework that enables efficient generation of poisoning samples with composite (multi-word) triggers for such an attack. Our extensive experiments using over 1 million generated images and against hundreds of fine-tuned models demonstrate the feasibility of the presented backdoor attack. We illustrate how these biases can bypass conventional detection mechanisms, highlighting the challenges in proving the existence of biases within operational constraints. Our cost analysis confirms the low financial barrier to executing such attacks, underscoring the need for robust defensive strategies against such vulnerabilities in text-to-image generation models.

🤖 Leveraging Large Language Models for Patient Engagement: The Power of Conversational AI in Digital Health
The rapid advancements in large language models (LLMs) have opened up new opportunities for transforming patient engagement in healthcare through conversational AI. This paper presents an overview of the current landscape of LLMs in healthcare, specifically focusing on their applications in analyzing and generating conversations for improved patient engagement. We showcase the power of LLMs in handling unstructured conversational data through four case studies: (1) analyzing mental health discussions on Reddit, (2) developing a personalized chatbot for cognitive engagement in seniors, (3) summarizing medical conversation datasets, and (4) designing an AI-powered patient engagement system. These case studies demonstrate how LLMs can effectively extract insights and summarizations from unstructured dialogues and engage patients in guided, goal-oriented conversations. Leveraging LLMs for conversational analysis and generation opens new doors for many patient-centered outcomes research opportunities. However, integrating LLMs into healthcare raises important ethical considerations regarding data privacy, bias, transparency, and regulatory compliance. We discuss best practices and guidelines for the responsible development and deployment of LLMs in healthcare settings. Realizing the full potential of LLMs in digital health will require close collaboration between the AI and healthcare professionals communities to address technical challenges and ensure these powerful tools' safety, efficacy, and equity.

🤖 Time Series Modeling for Heart Rate Prediction: From ARIMA to Transformers
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a leading cause of death globally, necessitating precise forecasting models for monitoring vital signs like heart rate, blood pressure, and ECG. Traditional models, such as ARIMA and Prophet, are limited by their need for manual parameter tuning and challenges in handling noisy, sparse, and highly variable medical data. This study investigates advanced deep learning models, including LSTM, and transformer-based architectures, for predicting heart rate time series from the MIT-BIH Database. Results demonstrate that deep learning models, particularly PatchTST, significantly outperform traditional models across multiple metrics, capturing complex patterns and dependencies more effectively. This research underscores the potential of deep learning to enhance patient monitoring and CVD management, suggesting substantial clinical benefits. Future work should extend these findings to larger, more diverse datasets and real-world clinical applications to further validate and optimize model performance.

🤖 Online Pareto-Optimal Decision-Making for Complex Tasks using Active Inference
When a robot autonomously performs a complex task, it frequently must balance competing objectives while maintaining safety. This becomes more difficult in uncertain environments with stochastic outcomes. Enhancing transparency in the robot's behavior and aligning with user preferences are also crucial. This paper introduces a novel framework for multi-objective reinforcement learning that ensures safe task execution, optimizes trade-offs between objectives, and adheres to user preferences. The framework has two main layers: a multi-objective task planner and a high-level selector. The planning layer generates a set of optimal trade-off plans that guarantee satisfaction of a temporal logic task. The selector uses active inference to decide which generated plan best complies with user preferences and aids learning. Operating iteratively, the framework updates a parameterized learning model based on collected data. Case studies and benchmarks on both manipulation and mobile robots show that our framework outperforms other methods and (i) learns multiple optimal trade-offs, (ii) adheres to a user preference, and (iii) allows the user to adjust the balance between (i) and (ii).

🤖 Scene Graph Generation in Large-Size VHR Satellite Imagery: A Large-Scale Dataset and A Context-Aware Approach
Scene graph generation (SGG) in satellite imagery (SAI) benefits promoting intelligent understanding of geospatial scenarios from perception to cognition. In SAI, objects exhibit great variations in scales and aspect ratios, and there exist rich relationships between objects (even between spatially disjoint objects), which makes it necessary to holistically conduct SGG in large-size very-high-resolution (VHR) SAI. However, the lack of SGG datasets with large-size VHR SAI has constrained the advancement of SGG in SAI. Due to the complexity of large-size VHR SAI, mining triplets <subject, relationship, object> in large-size VHR SAI heavily relies on long-range contextual reasoning. Consequently, SGG models designed for small-size natural imagery are not directly applicable to large-size VHR SAI. To address the scarcity of datasets, this paper constructs a large-scale dataset for SGG in large-size VHR SAI with image sizes ranging from 512 x 768 to 27,860 x 31,096 pixels, named RSG, encompassing over 210,000 objects and more than 400,000 triplets. To realize SGG in large-size VHR SAI, we propose a context-aware cascade cognition (CAC) framework to understand SAI at three levels: object detection (OBD), pair pruning and relationship prediction. As a fundamental prerequisite for SGG in large-size SAI, a holistic multi-class object detection network (HOD-Net) that can flexibly integrate multi-scale contexts is proposed. With the consideration that there exist a huge amount of object pairs in large-size SAI but only a minority of object pairs contain meaningful relationships, we design a pair proposal generation (PPG) network via adversarial reconstruction to select high-value pairs. Furthermore, a relationship prediction network with context-aware messaging (RPCM) is proposed to predict the relationship types of these pairs.

🤖 Is Programming by Example solved by LLMs?
Programming-by-Examples (PBE) aims to generate an algorithm from input-output examples. Such systems are practically and theoretically important: from an end-user perspective, they are deployed to millions of people, and from an AI perspective, PBE corresponds to a very general form of few-shot inductive inference. Given the success of Large Language Models (LLMs) in code-generation tasks, we investigate here the extent to which LLMs can be said to have `solved' PBE. We experiment on classic domains such as lists and strings, and an uncommon graphics programming domain not well represented in typical pretraining data. We find that pretrained models are not effective at PBE, but that they can be fine-tuned for much higher performance, provided the test problems are in-distribution. We analyze empirically what causes these models to succeed and fail, and take steps toward understanding how to achieve better out-of-distribution generalization. Collectively these results suggest that LLMs make strong progress toward solving the typical suite of PBE tasks, potentially increasing the flexibility and applicability of PBE systems, while also identifying ways in which LLMs still fall short.

🤖 Simple and Effective Masked Diffusion Language Models
While diffusion models excel at generating high-quality images, prior work reports a significant performance gap between diffusion and autoregressive (AR) methods in language modeling. In this work, we show that simple masked discrete diffusion is more performant than previously thought. We apply an effective training recipe that improves the performance of masked diffusion models and derive a simplified, Rao-Blackwellized objective that results in additional improvements. Our objective has a simple form -- it is a mixture of classical masked language modeling losses -- and can be used to train encoder-only language models that admit efficient samplers, including ones that can generate arbitrary lengths of text semi-autoregressively like a traditional language model. On language modeling benchmarks, a range of masked diffusion models trained with modern engineering practices achieves a new state-of-the-art among diffusion models, and approaches AR perplexity. We release our code at: https://github.com/kuleshov-group/mdlm

🤖 Comment on paper: Position: Rethinking Post-Hoc Search-Based Neural Approaches for Solving Large-Scale Traveling Salesman Problems
We identify two major issues in the SoftDist paper (Xia et al.): (1) the failure to run all steps of different baselines on the same hardware environment, and (2) the use of inconsistent time measurements when comparing to other baselines. These issues lead to flawed conclusions. When all steps are executed in the same hardware environment, the primary claim made in SoftDist is no longer supported.

🤖 Neural Gaffer: Relighting Any Object via Diffusion
Single-image relighting is a challenging task that involves reasoning about the complex interplay between geometry, materials, and lighting. Many prior methods either support only specific categories of images, such as portraits, or require special capture conditions, like using a flashlight. Alternatively, some methods explicitly decompose a scene into intrinsic components, such as normals and BRDFs, which can be inaccurate or under-expressive. In this work, we propose a novel end-to-end 2D relighting diffusion model, called Neural Gaffer, that takes a single image of any object and can synthesize an accurate, high-quality relit image under any novel environmental lighting condition, simply by conditioning an image generator on a target environment map, without an explicit scene decomposition. Our method builds on a pre-trained diffusion model, and fine-tunes it on a synthetic relighting dataset, revealing and harnessing the inherent understanding of lighting present in the diffusion model. We evaluate our model on both synthetic and in-the-wild Internet imagery and demonstrate its advantages in terms of generalization and accuracy. Moreover, by combining with other generative methods, our model enables many downstream 2D tasks, such as text-based relighting and object insertion. Our model can also operate as a strong relighting prior for 3D tasks, such as relighting a radiance field.

🤖 Aligning Large Language Models with Representation Editing: A Control Perspective
Aligning large language models (LLMs) with human objectives is crucial for real-world applications. However, fine-tuning LLMs for alignment often suffers from unstable training and requires substantial computing resources. Test-time alignment techniques, such as prompting and guided decoding, do not modify the underlying model, and their performance remains dependent on the original model's capabilities. To address these challenges, we propose aligning LLMs through representation editing. The core of our method is to view a pre-trained autoregressive LLM as a discrete-time stochastic dynamical system. To achieve alignment for specific objectives, we introduce external control signals into the state space of this language dynamical system. We train a value function directly on the hidden states according to the Bellman equation, enabling gradient-based optimization to obtain the optimal control signals at test time. Our experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms existing test-time alignment techniques while requiring significantly fewer resources compared to fine-tuning methods.

🤖 Differentiable Combinatorial Scheduling at Scale
This paper addresses the complex issue of resource-constrained scheduling, an NP-hard problem that spans critical areas including chip design and high-performance computing. Traditional scheduling methods often stumble over scalability and applicability challenges. We propose a novel approach using a differentiable combinatorial scheduling framework, utilizing Gumbel-Softmax differentiable sampling technique. This new technical allows for a fully differentiable formulation of linear programming (LP) based scheduling, extending its application to a broader range of LP formulations. To encode inequality constraints for scheduling tasks, we introduce \textit{constrained Gumbel Trick}, which adeptly encodes arbitrary inequality constraints. Consequently, our method facilitates an efficient and scalable scheduling via gradient descent without the need for training data. Comparative evaluations on both synthetic and real-world benchmarks highlight our capability to significantly improve the optimization efficiency of scheduling, surpassing state-of-the-art solutions offered by commercial and open-source solvers such as CPLEX, Gurobi, and CP-SAT in the majority of the designs.

🤖 Chimera: Effectively Modeling Multivariate Time Series with 2-Dimensional State Space Models
Modeling multivariate time series is a well-established problem with a wide range of applications from healthcare to financial markets. Traditional State Space Models (SSMs) are classical approaches for univariate time series modeling due to their simplicity and expressive power to represent linear dependencies. They, however, have fundamentally limited expressive power to capture non-linear dependencies, are slow in practice, and fail to model the inter-variate information flow. Despite recent attempts to improve the expressive power of SSMs by using deep structured SSMs, the existing methods are either limited to univariate time series, fail to model complex patterns (e.g., seasonal patterns), fail to dynamically model the dependencies of variate and time dimensions, and/or are input-independent. We present Chimera that uses two input-dependent 2-D SSM heads with different discretization processes to learn long-term progression and seasonal patterns. To improve the efficiency of complex 2D recurrence, we present a fast training using a new 2-dimensional parallel selective scan. We further present and discuss 2-dimensional Mamba and Mamba-2 as the spacial cases of our 2D SSM. Our experimental evaluation shows the superior performance of Chimera on extensive and diverse benchmarks, including ECG and speech time series classification, long-term and short-term time series forecasting, and time series anomaly detection.

🤖 Evaluating the World Model Implicit in a Generative Model
Recent work suggests that large language models may implicitly learn world models. How should we assess this possibility? We formalize this question for the case where the underlying reality is governed by a deterministic finite automaton. This includes problems as diverse as simple logical reasoning, geographic navigation, game-playing, and chemistry. We propose new evaluation metrics for world model recovery inspired by the classic Myhill-Nerode theorem from language theory. We illustrate their utility in three domains: game playing, logic puzzles, and navigation. In all domains, the generative models we consider do well on existing diagnostics for assessing world models, but our evaluation metrics reveal their world models to be far less coherent than they appear. Such incoherence creates fragility: using a generative model to solve related but subtly different tasks can lead it to fail badly. Building generative models that meaningfully capture the underlying logic of the domains they model would be immensely valuable; our results suggest new ways to assess how close a given model is to that goal.

🤖 The Good, the Bad, and the Hulk-like GPT: Analyzing Emotional Decisions of Large Language Models in Cooperation and Bargaining Games
Behavior study experiments are an important part of society modeling and understanding human interactions. In practice, many behavioral experiments encounter challenges related to internal and external validity, reproducibility, and social bias due to the complexity of social interactions and cooperation in human user studies. Recent advances in Large Language Models (LLMs) have provided researchers with a new promising tool for the simulation of human behavior. However, existing LLM-based simulations operate under the unproven hypothesis that LLM agents behave similarly to humans as well as ignore a crucial factor in human decision-making: emotions. In this paper, we introduce a novel methodology and the framework to study both, the decision-making of LLMs and their alignment with human behavior under emotional states. Experiments with GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 on four games from two different classes of behavioral game theory showed that emotions profoundly impact the performance of LLMs, leading to the development of more optimal strategies. While there is a strong alignment between the behavioral responses of GPT-3.5 and human participants, particularly evident in bargaining games, GPT-4 exhibits consistent behavior, ignoring induced emotions for rationality decisions. Surprisingly, emotional prompting, particularly with `anger' emotion, can disrupt the "superhuman" alignment of GPT-4, resembling human emotional responses.

🤖 Zeroth-Order Fine-Tuning of LLMs with Extreme Sparsity
Zeroth-order optimization (ZO) is a memory-efficient strategy for fine-tuning Large Language Models using only forward passes. However, the application of ZO fine-tuning in memory-constrained settings such as mobile phones and laptops is still challenging since full precision forward passes are infeasible. In this study, we address this limitation by integrating sparsity and quantization into ZO fine-tuning of LLMs. Specifically, we investigate the feasibility of fine-tuning an extremely small subset of LLM parameters using ZO. This approach allows the majority of un-tuned parameters to be quantized to accommodate the constraint of limited device memory. Our findings reveal that the pre-training process can identify a set of "sensitive parameters" that can guide the ZO fine-tuning of LLMs on downstream tasks. Our results demonstrate that fine-tuning 0.1% sensitive parameters in the LLM with ZO can outperform the full ZO fine-tuning performance, while offering wall-clock time speedup. Additionally, we show that ZO fine-tuning targeting these 0.1% sensitive parameters, combined with 4 bit quantization, enables efficient ZO fine-tuning of an Llama2-7B model on a GPU device with less than 8 GiB of memory and notably reduced latency.

🤖 CADE: Cosine Annealing Differential Evolution for Spiking Neural Network
Spiking neural networks (SNNs) have gained prominence for their potential in neuromorphic computing and energy-efficient artificial intelligence, yet optimizing them remains a formidable challenge for gradient-based methods due to their discrete, spike-based computation. This paper attempts to tackle the challenges by introducing Cosine Annealing Differential Evolution (CADE), designed to modulate the mutation factor (F) and crossover rate (CR) of differential evolution (DE) for the SNN model, i.e., Spiking Element Wise (SEW) ResNet. Extensive empirical evaluations were conducted to analyze CADE. CADE showed a balance in exploring and exploiting the search space, resulting in accelerated convergence and improved accuracy compared to existing gradient-based and DE-based methods. Moreover, an initialization method based on a transfer learning setting was developed, pretraining on a source dataset (i.e., CIFAR-10) and fine-tuning the target dataset (i.e., CIFAR-100), to improve population diversity. It was found to further enhance CADE for SNN. Remarkably, CADE elevates the performance of the highest accuracy SEW model by an additional 0.52 percentage points, underscoring its effectiveness in fine-tuning and enhancing SNNs. These findings emphasize the pivotal role of a scheduler for F and CR adjustment, especially for DE-based SNN. Source Code on Github: https://github.com/Tank-Jiang/CADE4SNN.

🤖 Learning from Streaming Data when Users Choose
In digital markets comprised of many competing services, each user chooses between multiple service providers according to their preferences, and the chosen service makes use of the user data to incrementally improve its model. The service providers' models influence which service the user will choose at the next time step, and the user's choice, in return, influences the model update, leading to a feedback loop. In this paper, we formalize the above dynamics and develop a simple and efficient decentralized algorithm to locally minimize the overall user loss. Theoretically, we show that our algorithm asymptotically converges to stationary points of of the overall loss almost surely. We also experimentally demonstrate the utility of our algorithm with real world data.

🤖 MEDIQ: Question-Asking LLMs for Adaptive and Reliable Clinical Reasoning
In high-stakes domains like clinical reasoning, AI assistants powered by large language models (LLMs) are yet to be reliable and safe. We identify a key obstacle towards reliability: existing LLMs are trained to answer any question, even with incomplete context in the prompt or insufficient parametric knowledge. We propose to change this paradigm to develop more careful LLMs that ask follow-up questions to gather necessary and sufficient information and respond reliably. We introduce MEDIQ, a framework to simulate realistic clinical interactions, which incorporates a Patient System and an adaptive Expert System. The Patient may provide incomplete information in the beginning; the Expert refrains from making diagnostic decisions when unconfident, and instead elicits missing details from the Patient via follow-up questions. To evaluate MEDIQ, we convert MEDQA and CRAFT-MD -- medical benchmarks for diagnostic question answering -- into an interactive setup. We develop a reliable Patient system and prototype several Expert systems, first showing that directly prompting state-of-the-art LLMs to ask questions degrades the quality of clinical reasoning, indicating that adapting LLMs to interactive information-seeking settings is nontrivial. We then augment the Expert with a novel abstention module to better estimate model confidence and decide whether to ask more questions, thereby improving diagnostic accuracy by 20.3%; however, performance still lags compared to an (unrealistic in practice) upper bound when full information is given upfront. Further analyses reveal that interactive performance can be improved by filtering irrelevant contexts and reformatting conversations. Overall, our paper introduces a novel problem towards LLM reliability, a novel MEDIQ framework, and highlights important future directions to extend the information-seeking abilities of LLM assistants in critical domains.

🤖 Understanding Preference Fine-Tuning Through the Lens of Coverage
Learning from human preference data has emerged as the dominant paradigm for fine-tuning large language models (LLMs). The two most common families of techniques -- online reinforcement learning (RL) such as Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) and offline contrastive methods such as Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) -- were positioned as equivalent in prior work due to the fact that both have to start from the same offline preference dataset. To further expand our theoretical understanding of the similarities and differences between online and offline techniques for preference fine-tuning, we conduct a rigorous analysis through the lens of dataset coverage, a concept that captures how the training data covers the test distribution and is widely used in RL. We prove that a global coverage condition is both necessary and sufficient for offline contrastive methods to converge to the optimal policy, but a weaker partial coverage condition suffices for online RL methods. This separation provides one explanation of why online RL methods can perform better than offline methods, especially when the offline preference data is not diverse enough. Finally, motivated by our preceding theoretical observations, we derive a hybrid preference optimization (HyPO) algorithm that uses offline data for contrastive-based preference optimization and online data for KL regularization. Theoretically and empirically, we demonstrate that HyPO is more performant than its pure offline counterpart DPO, while still preserving its computation and memory efficiency.

🤖 Bayesian Joint Additive Factor Models for Multiview Learning
It is increasingly common in a wide variety of applied settings to collect data of multiple different types on the same set of samples. Our particular focus in this article is on studying relationships between such multiview features and responses. A motivating application arises in the context of precision medicine where multi-omics data are collected to correlate with clinical outcomes. It is of interest to infer dependence within and across views while combining multimodal information to improve the prediction of outcomes. The signal-to-noise ratio can vary substantially across views, motivating more nuanced statistical tools beyond standard late and early fusion. This challenge comes with the need to preserve interpretability, select features, and obtain accurate uncertainty quantification. We propose a joint additive factor regression model (JAFAR) with a structured additive design, accounting for shared and view-specific components. We ensure identifiability via a novel dependent cumulative shrinkage process (D-CUSP) prior. We provide an efficient implementation via a partially collapsed Gibbs sampler and extend our approach to allow flexible feature and outcome distributions. Prediction of time-to-labor onset from immunome, metabolome, and proteome data illustrates performance gains against state-of-the-art competitors. Our open-source software (R package) is available at https://github.com/niccoloanceschi/jafar.

🤖 Paying to Do Better: Games with Payments between Learning Agents
In repeated games, such as auctions, players typically use learning algorithms to choose their actions. The use of such autonomous learning agents has become widespread on online platforms. In this paper, we explore the impact of players incorporating monetary transfers into their agents' algorithms, aiming to incentivize behavior in their favor. Our focus is on understanding when players have incentives to make use of monetary transfers, how these payments affect learning dynamics, and what the implications are for welfare and its distribution among the players. We propose a simple game-theoretic model to capture such scenarios. Our results on general games show that in a broad class of games, players benefit from letting their learning agents make payments to other learners during the game dynamics, and that in many cases, this kind of behavior improves welfare for all players. Our results on first- and second-price auctions show that in equilibria of the ``payment policy game,'' the agents' dynamics can reach strong collusive outcomes with low revenue for the auctioneer. These results highlight a challenge for mechanism design in systems where automated learning agents can benefit from interacting with their peers outside the boundaries of the mechanism.

🤖 Reward Machines for Deep RL in Noisy and Uncertain Environments
Reward Machines provide an automata-inspired structure for specifying instructions, safety constraints, and other temporally extended reward-worthy behaviour. By exposing complex reward function structure, they enable counterfactual learning updates that have resulted in impressive sample efficiency gains. While Reward Machines have been employed in both tabular and deep RL settings, they have typically relied on a ground-truth interpretation of the domain-specific vocabulary that form the building blocks of the reward function. Such ground-truth interpretations can be elusive in many real-world settings, due in part to partial observability or noisy sensing. In this paper, we explore the use of Reward Machines for Deep RL in noisy and uncertain environments. We characterize this problem as a POMDP and propose a suite of RL algorithms that leverage task structure under uncertain interpretation of domain-specific vocabulary. Theoretical analysis exposes pitfalls in naive approaches to this problem, while experimental results show that our algorithms successfully leverage task structure to improve performance under noisy interpretations of the vocabulary. Our results provide a general framework for exploiting Reward Machines in partially observable environments.

🤖 How Random is Random? Evaluating the Randomness and Humaness of LLMs' Coin Flips
One uniquely human trait is our inability to be random. We see and produce patterns where there should not be any and we do so in a predictable way. LLMs are supplied with human data and prone to human biases. In this work, we explore how LLMs approach randomness and where and how they fail through the lens of the well studied phenomena of generating binary random sequences. We find that GPT 4 and Llama 3 exhibit and exacerbate nearly every human bias we test in this context, but GPT 3.5 exhibits more random behavior. This dichotomy of randomness or humaness is proposed as a fundamental question of LLMs and that either behavior may be useful in different circumstances.

🤖 Two-layer retrieval augmented generation framework for low-resource medical question-answering: proof of concept using Reddit data
Retrieval augmented generation (RAG) provides the capability to constrain generative model outputs, and mitigate the possibility of hallucination, by providing relevant in-context text. The number of tokens a generative large language model (LLM) can incorporate as context is finite, thus limiting the volume of knowledge from which to generate an answer. We propose a two-layer RAG framework for query-focused answer generation and evaluate a proof-of-concept for this framework in the context of query-focused summary generation from social media forums, focusing on emerging drug-related information. The evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness of the two-layer framework in resource constrained settings to enable researchers in obtaining near real-time data from users.

🤖 STAT: Shrinking Transformers After Training
We present STAT: a simple algorithm to prune transformer models without any fine-tuning. STAT eliminates both attention heads and neurons from the network, while preserving accuracy by calculating a correction to the weights of the next layer. Each layer block in the network is compressed using a series of principled matrix factorizations that preserve the network structure. Our entire algorithm takes minutes to compress BERT, and less than three hours to compress models with 7B parameters using a single GPU. Using only several hundred data examples, STAT preserves the output of the network and improves upon existing gradient-free pruning methods. It is even competitive with methods that include significant fine-tuning. We demonstrate our method on both encoder and decoder architectures, including BERT, DistilBERT, and Llama-2 using benchmarks such as GLUE, Squad, WikiText2.

🤖 A Survey of Latent Factor Models in Recommender Systems
Recommender systems are essential tools in the digital era, providing personalized content to users in areas like e-commerce, entertainment, and social media. Among the many approaches developed to create these systems, latent factor models have proven particularly effective. This survey systematically reviews latent factor models in recommender systems, focusing on their core principles, methodologies, and recent advancements. The literature is examined through a structured framework covering learning data, model architecture, learning strategies, and optimization techniques. The analysis includes a taxonomy of contributions and detailed discussions on the types of learning data used, such as implicit feedback, trust, and content data, various models such as probabilistic, nonlinear, and neural models, and an exploration of diverse learning strategies like online learning, transfer learning, and active learning. Furthermore, the survey addresses the optimization strategies used to train latent factor models, improving their performance and scalability. By identifying trends, gaps, and potential research directions, this survey aims to provide valuable insights for researchers and practitioners looking to advance the field of recommender systems.

🤖 Brain Tumor Segmentation (BraTS) Challenge 2024: Meningioma Radiotherapy Planning Automated Segmentation
The 2024 Brain Tumor Segmentation Meningioma Radiotherapy (BraTS-MEN-RT) challenge aims to advance automated segmentation algorithms using the largest known multi-institutional dataset of radiotherapy planning brain MRIs with expert-annotated target labels for patients with intact or post-operative meningioma that underwent either conventional external beam radiotherapy or stereotactic radiosurgery. Each case includes a defaced 3D post-contrast T1-weighted radiotherapy planning MRI in its native acquisition space, accompanied by a single-label "target volume" representing the gross tumor volume (GTV) and any at-risk post-operative site. Target volume annotations adhere to established radiotherapy planning protocols, ensuring consistency across cases and institutions. For pre-operative meningiomas, the target volume encompasses the entire GTV and associated nodular dural tail, while for post-operative cases, it includes at-risk resection cavity margins as determined by the treating institution. Case annotations were reviewed and approved by expert neuroradiologists and radiation oncologists. Participating teams will develop, containerize, and evaluate automated segmentation models using this comprehensive dataset. Model performance will be assessed using the lesion-wise Dice Similarity Coefficient and the 95% Hausdorff distance. The top-performing teams will be recognized at the Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention Conference in October 2024. BraTS-MEN-RT is expected to significantly advance automated radiotherapy planning by enabling precise tumor segmentation and facilitating tailored treatment, ultimately improving patient outcomes.